Volleyball Professional Training

Professional Training Plan
1-Referee Rules
2-Setting Drills
3-Libero Drills
4-Middle Blocking Drills
5-Quick Attacking Drills
6-Outside Attacking Drills
7-Outside Blocking Drills
8-Opposite Attacking Drills
9-Second Wave & Pipe Drills
10-Jump Serve Drills
13-Block & Attack Tactics
14-Coach Initiated Drills
15-Weight Training
16-Tryout according these abilities and priorities:


Libero:1-Serve Reception 2-Digging 3-Translation Pass

Setter:1-Perfect Set With Good Quality 2-Blocking 3-Serve 4-Digging

Outside Spiker:1-Serve Receiving 2-Attacking 3-Translation Attack 4-Blocking 5-Serve 6-Digging

Middle Blocker:1-Blocking 2-Attacking 3-Serve 4-Translation Pass 5-Digging

Opposite Spiker:1-Attacking 2-Translation Attack 3-Block 4-Serve 5-Digging


17-Taking Part In Tournaments




1- Drink 1 glass of lukewarm water in the morning for fasting and at night before going to bed (it is necessary to drink 8 to 10 glasses of water during the day)

2. Eat dinner at least 4 hours before bedtime.

3. It is forbidden to eat fruit, salad, liquids, yogurt, pickles and any condiments with food.

4. An hour after eating, drinking a cup of tea is not an obstacle, and after that, drink only 1 glass of water every hour.

5. Fruits-vegetables-salads and liquids should be eaten 1 hour before meals, not with or immediately after meals.

6- Eat at least 3 servings of fruit daily, of course before meals or 4 hours after lunch (eat one type of fruit in each meal)

7- Eating sweet chocolate-sauce-sweets-cake-fast food and any other disorganic food is forbidden (organic nuts and dried fruits are not prohibited)

Talent Identification

Cyrus feli Volleyball Talent Identification and Development Process method in Iran (2006-2010)

In 2006 I started my method in my own club in Tehran and I made a long term plan for my players. After running my own academy with high quality players, Iran volleyball federation wanted me to share my experience with other coaches in other states and they wanted me to monitor at least 10 academies in other states. So I travelled to other states to monitor and selecting the best players to invite for Iran national youth camp. This is my method below:

1-Volleyball courts and equipment:

I selected 2 volleyball courts in south Tehran that I worked for and I myself prepared all facilities and equipment like ball-medicine-step-desk-whiteboard-elastic band-basket-hoop(both courts were in crowded and talented areas that volleyball was first priority for playing)

2-Volleyball coaches

I Selected 2 experiment and communicator coaches who had more experiences about basic fundamental skills and work with teenagers ( I knew their personalities and their experiences for years )


I sheared my plan with volleyball federation and they introduced me to education system to give authorization for searching in schools

4-Talent search:

I Started to communicate with education system to give authority to get into the classroom to talent search and I started school by school (I searched for almost 100 schools-50 secondary schools at the age of 13 to 14 and 50 high schools at the age of 15 to 16)


I selected tall students
First group: 13-14 years old with 175 to 180 cm tall (2 separated team in different courts-each team with 25 students )
Second group: 15-16 years old with 185 to 195 cm tall (2 separated team in different courts-each team with 25 students)

6-Start to test:

I Started to measure their height-weight-hand reach-hand wings -palm-flexibility.(Every seasons I measured these items and compare them with previous tests)

I experienced this difference between boys and girls

Age 8 : boys 141cm – girls 140cm

Age 9 : boys 147cm – girls 146cm
Age 10 : boys 152cm – girls 152cm

Age 11 : boys 157cm – girls 159cm

Age 12 : boys 163cm – girls 166cm

Age 13 : boys 170cm – girls 172cm

Age 14 : boys 178cm – girls 176cm

Age 15 : boys 185cm – girls 178cm

Age 16 : boys 191cm – girls 179cm

Age 17 : boys 193cm – girls 180cm

Age 18 : boys 196cm – girls 180cm

7-Talent organization:

After testing students and select the best students I classified students according their address and I started

8-Short term plan

I started to train 100 selected student in 4 groups every other days for 3 months with basic fundamental skills(volley-bump-serve-block-attack)and flexibility and their reaction to choose final players

9-Long term plan:

I made a process for at least 2 years and practice every other day to promote techniques (I started all 4 teams together )

10-Inviting parents:

Every seasons I invited parents to make a meeting about exercise and teach them about psychology and nutrition service and encouragement


Every season I surprised them with giving an award be cause of their skills and their education level


Education is my priority and I checked their marks and transcripts at school and surprised them with some gifts

13-Parents satisfaction:

I surprised students who their parents were satisfied about their education and behavior at home.


After 3 months I made a game between all 4 teams and I implemented a festival between other academies and I made e a league between them

15-Tactics and unique skills:
After 6 to 12 months I chose their position according to their ability and height and skills(setter-middle blocker-libero-outside spiker-opposite) I focused on their tactics according to these abilities:

A-Height of hitting and blocking on the net
B-Perfection of skills
C-Velocity and variety of play


After consecutive practice for 12 months ,I selected the best to take part in Tehran youth league

17-Farm system

After 12 months I mixed some of the teenagers with age group. Every season I selected a few of youth players in my age group team (I had a professional age group team in Tehran league)


During farm system I chose the best players between my teams to introduce to youth national volleyball camp(every year I had at least 2 players in national youth volleyball camps)

Professional Volleyball Level Tryout Priorities :

Libero:1-Serve reception 2-Digging 3-Translation pass

Setter:1-Perfect set with good quality 2-Blocking 3-Serve 4-digging

Outside hitter:1-Serve receiving 2-Attacking 3-Translation attack 4-blocking 5-serve 6-digging

Middle Blocker:1-Blocking 2-Attacking 3-Serve 4-Translation pass 5-Digging

Opposite:1-Attacking 2-Translation attack 3-Block 4-Serve 5-Digging


In 2006 when I started ,I experienced some students who aren’t tall enough but they play with their heart and they were definitely desired to play volleyball, Finally they were selected as a Libero and setter in high level volleyball league in Iran.


In 2008 in the new talent search I decided to remove beginners at the age of 15-16 and I searched age 11-12 years instead. IN this case I had 2 to 4 years more time to promote students fundamental skills and techniques. From then on I just searched between beginners at the age of 11-12 and 13-14.

Notice 3-

I experienced Farm system is the best way to youth volleyball players development

Notice 4-

I experienced some students have late maturity so I decided to keep them and train other students who loved volleyball but they were not tall enough at the age of 11to 14.

My 8 years playing experience with two years experience at the highest level in my country, combined with 20 years coaching experience and 4 years talent identification scout in Iran volleyball federation.

Cyrus Feli


Carrying Drowning Victim


Approaching and saving drowning victim


Codes of ethics

We tried to provide the best services and exercises with offering an appropriate atmosphere, location and great equipment and minimized costs for you. I Hope we can introduce talented and educated student to national volleyball camp and they will be our honor in Olympic and world cup competitions. 3 important advices:

1-Education should be your first priority.

2-Appriciate your parents all the time.

3-Use your grandparents experiences in your life. 


Volleyball Festival

Volleyball Festival 

Swimming Festival

Swimming Festival

Tryout 1


Professional Volleyball Level Tryout Priority: 


Libero:1-Serve reception 2-Digging 3-Translation pass

Setter:1-Perfect set 2-Blocking 3-Serve 4-Digging

Outside Hitter:1-Serve receiving 2-Attacking 3-Translation attack 4-Blocking 5-Serve 6-Digging

Middle Blocker:1-Blocking 2-Attacking 3-Serve 4-Translation pass 5-Digging

Opposite:1-Attacking 2-Translation attack 3-Block 4-Serve 5-Digging


Intermediate Volleyball Level Tryout:










Beginner Volleyball Level Tryout:




3-Hands reach
